主演:拉扎尔·里斯托夫斯基 Nikola Ristanovski Vlado Jovanovski
导演:达科·米特沃斯基 Aleksandar Popovski
时间:2024-10-12 11:10:34
由达科·米特沃斯基,Aleksandar,Popovski执导、汇聚拉扎尔·里斯托夫斯基,Nikola,Ristanovski,Vlado,Jovanovski等优秀演员阵容的再见二十世纪,将1998 年度其它 语系与 其它 文化完美交融,带来一场与众不同的视觉和听觉盛宴。
影片所呈现的SUPERCOOL马其顿动作幻想片! sometimes i think it's a shame that movies like this one don't get the仅仅是个引子,真正的故事魅力还需从SUPERCOOL马其顿动作幻想片! sometimes i think it's a shame that movies like this one don't get the exposure that they deserve - that very few people will get to enjoy them... but sometimes, i think that the lack of exposure is what makes movies like this one - if indie was mainstream it wouldn't have been indie, would it... so, the best thing i could say about Zbogum na 20 vek is a that it's a great movie, but it's not for everyone. the story is rather controversial, the level of blood and gore on screen is rather high (it makes the US horror flicks from the '90s look like kindergarten cartoons) and the editing... well, it's so uneven, that it might induce vomiting... however, if you have the stomach to go over these things, chances are that you will love this film, because it is indeed full of heart. if you don't love it, watch it again... once you know what's happening in the movie it will be much easier for you to pick up all the small details that not only make the scenes look cooler, but also deeper (i have a theory that the whole movie could be seen through symbols only, but it's too long to write it down here)... none of my friends liked it at first, but after two or three viewings, they find it at least respectable if not outright brilliant... so, to cut things up, if you can find this movie, see it by all means. 9.510中细细品味——不论是扣人心弦的剧情设计,还是对于人性、情感、社会话题的探讨,都给人留下颇为深刻的印象。同时,导演在幕后方面也注入了大量巧思,让整部作品更加耐人寻味。
如果你对电影 或 喜剧,科幻,恐怖,奇幻,冒险 题材情有独钟,《再见二十世纪》无疑是一个不容错过的选择。欢迎走进它的世界,感受时长约的宏大篇章,在这里,你将邂逅惊喜、震撼与思考。
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